Thriving businesses achieve success by closely aligning with the cultures, stories, and beliefs of their audiences

My work meets at the intersection of cultural studies, market research, and innovation strategy, where I collaborate with brands and agencies to visualize the consumer culture of today and tomorrow



Apple . Conservation International . Diageo . Discord . Facebook . Google . Google Maps . Google Gemini.

Instagram . Meta . Mondelez . Nubank . Spotify . Uber . Unilever. Visa . YouTube . Wella


Accenture Song . Bold Insights . Canvas8 . Dentsu Creative . Envisioning . Episode . Float .
FutureBrand. Ipsos. Monks. Sago. StudioInto . Tempo2 . The Good Side . The Mix .

  • Projects I’ve been busy with ✨

    swipe to know more about my latest projects

  • Voice Generative AI in Brazil: A UX-Focused Competitive Assessment

  • The Pulse of a Generation – Gen Z's Connection with Music Creators

  • Acquired Tastes: How Do We Introduce New Flavors to Our Palate?

  • From Within and Beyond: Uncovering Brazil’s Emerging Identities

  • Mapping the Road Ahead: Car Navigation in Brazil